The ICT Pomeranian Cluster functions as a partnership - mutual laws and responsibilities are regu-lated by the "Partnership agreement in terms of the ICT Pomeranian Cluster" signed in Gdańsk on October 29th 2009. The assumed solution allowed to maintain a high level of flexibility while the open and transparent organizational form of the ICT cluster works in favor of integration and under-taking additional actions in terms of specific fields interesting for the cluster's participants. The clus-ter has an open character - new entities sign the so called affiliation act basing on which they be-come a Cluster's Participant after a prior acceptance by the Cluster's Council.
The Pomeranian region constitutes an important center for the country's development concerning the ICT industry. However, in order to constantly strengthen its position, the industry must not only adjust to the changing conditions but most importantly take advantage of new possibilities as soon as they appear. Companies from the ICT sector face a challenge of not only keeping up with the constantly changing technologies, customer needs, and conditions of operating a budget, but also to exceed them. It is necessary to create new products, companies, and attract new investments to the region in order to increase the critical mass which to a high degree decides about the cluster's competitiveness on the global market. This reality has formed the mission and vision behind the Pomeranian ICT Cluster, its four strategic goals, and the related actions.
The Key National Cluster (Polish: Krajowy Klaster Kluczowy - KKK) is a cluster significant for the country's economy with a high international competitiveness; KNCs are identified on a national lev-el, for example basing on criteria concerning: critical mass, development and innovation potential, current and planned cooperation, as well as the coordinator's experience and potential.
The concept of Smart Specializations aims at indicating areas with a high potential, specializing in selected fields of science and technology, research&development works, and innovative undertak-ings taking part in the region's economic development, but also impacting its competitiveness on a national and international scale. The need for each region to determine a list of such specializations results from the European Commission's guidelines concerning the New Financial Perspective for 2014-2020.