
Development of E-Health Solutions Improving Resilience in Europe (DESIRE)


The DESIRE Eurocluster project has been launched on September 1st 2022 and will last 36 months. It is composed by 1 business support organisation and 4 clusters from Austria, France, Romania and Poland. It will address the challenges that SMEs face when accessing the European eHealth and Digital Health Market in order to build resilience and facilitate green and digital transition.
In order to reach its objectives, DESIRE will:
- Set up a Collaboration Platform as cooperation model involving 100 relevant actors among health care industry, clinical users, health care providers, care sector, private & public health care insurance institutions, government & authorities
- Set up a Service Provision Forum as virtual collaboration space and an additional Market Channel hosting information, matchmaking, consultation and trainings
- Organise 12 collaboration events targeting SMEs, investors and health industry actors;
- Organise 150 bilateral consultation meetings with stakeholders
- Organise 4 webinars as trainings for cluster managers to build up capacities and know-how
- Create 37 resilience preparedness business continuity plans (1 annotated model RPBC-plan, 1 transnational and 35 SME RPBC plans). In addition, DESIRE will provide a mentoring program (including financial support) to 35 innovative SMEs selected through a Call for application in order to identify at least 15 new-to-company product/service innovations and to adopt 10 business process innovations.
The project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them

New European Electronics for Global Health and Wellbeing (NE4HEALTH)


Medical technologies are products, services or solutions used to save and improve people’s lives. This health and wellbeing applications are available in hospitals, community-care settings and at home (sticking plasters, screening tests, pregnancy tests, hearing aids, body scanners, gene mutation tests, implantable devices, joints for knees and hips). There are more than 25.000 SMEs in Europe’s sector. The associated market worldwide is €426 billion (€115 billion in Europe) and the value chains are becoming more and more global. 
The main objective of the project is to build-up a partnership of world leading clusters to configure a “European Strategic Cluster Partnership – Going International” focused on internationalization of electronics (printed, embedded…) technologies applied to health and wellbeing sectors.
This European Strategic Cluster Partnership (ESCP-4i) will lead 5 EU clusters (and their SMEs) to increase their competitiveness and innovation potential for internationalization with a European coherence, fostering international cooperation among SMEs, and enhance Innovation, in the field of electronics applied to health and wellbeing sectors.
The Partnership will involve from the beginning clusters from Spain, Germany (Saxony), Romania, Poland (Pomerania) and Latvia, but with a European vocation and covering the whole value chain from materials to health and wellbeing markets.

The work methodology will be structured on 3 core actions to ensure:
- involvement of Cluster members in the bottom-up definition and implementation of the internationalization strategy
- building a strong and compact internationalization partnership implementing joint actions (organisation of 5 EU matchmaking events and 3 missions to Targeted Third Countries (TTD))
- committing the resulting EU stakeholders on a long-term and self-sustainable implementation roadmap
The Partnership will start with the following TTD candidates: Japan, USA, South Korea, Israel, Canada, Taiwan, China



INNOLABS project aims to foster collaboration, transfer of knowledge and opportunities among SMEs from different countries and sectors in order to develop, improve and deliver disruptive technologies mainly related to mHealth, personalized healthcare and ageing populations. INNOLABS will select more than 100 innovative project ideas to accelerate and further support monetarily and with innovation services.Starting on the 1st of January 2017, the project has a duration of 2,5 years and is supported by Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation.

Funding: European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 691556.

aCIRET "Apprenticeship Cluster for Industry-Ready Engineers of Tomorrow"


Apprenticeship Cluster for Industry-Ready Engineers of Tomorrow” is an alternative solution to the above challenges and needs since it will provide a new VET-business cooperation structure in Mechanical Engineering with the active involvement of local/regional authorities and social partners, where all will meet and share knowledge, competences and experience to elaborate industry-relevant engineering curricula and produce qualified academic and company mentors. It will target work-based learning focusing on apprenticeship in order to engage all stakeholders in promoting and introducing this approach at tertiary level so as to bridge the gap between education and business, improve relevance of university education to the labour market needs and make available a new generation of industry-ready engineers that are able to meet Industry 4.00 skills demands and raise excellence.


The project “Apprenticeship Cluster for Industry-Ready Engineers of Tomorrow” is an alternative solution to the described challenges and needs since it aims

  • • to establish a new higher education-business partnership structure to bolster the cooperation between technical universities (as VET providers) and enterprises, supported by authorities and social partners, at local/regional level so that they can provide WBL and apprenticeship in the sector of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics more successfully at tertiary level;
  • • to provide industry-relevant curriculum in Mechatronics so as to produce industry-ready engineers thus reducing the skills mismatch and facilitating their access to the labour market within the respective regions, which, in the long run, will lead to improving enterprises’ performance and growth, as well as regional development;
  • • to build an effective cooperation structure for sharing knowledge, skills and experience between university teachers and in-company trainers thus improving their competences for the better delivery of apprenticeships.


The following impact is expected as regards the different direct target groups:

  • • Better cooperation between universities as VET providers and enterprises in the delivery of WBL and apprenticeship education to engineering students;
  • • More active involvement of regional authorities and social partners in shaping industry-relevant educational provision that best matches regional labour market needs in relation to the priority sector of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics;
  • • Provision of industry-relevant WBL curriculum and study programmes, which will help to produce industry-ready engineers in Mechatronis thus facilitating their access to the labour market and easing enterprises to fill their engineering positions so as to boost performance;
  • • Better collaboration between university teachers and in-company trainers to improve their competences thus implementing apprenticeships more successfully.
  • Target groups

    Direct target groups:

    • • 3rd and 4th – year students following a bachelor degree course in Mechatronics;
    • • enterprises in the sector of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics;
    • • university teachers;
    • • in-company trainers.

    Indirect target groups:

    • • employers’ organizations;
    • • workers’ organizations;
    • • local/regional authorities;
    • • VET – providers;
    • • Policy and decision makers.

    Funding: Erasmus+ Programme

    ACCUS Adaptive Cooperative Control in Urban (sub) Systems


    ACCUS aims to provide an integration and coordination platform for urban systems in order to optimize their combined performance, thus achieving more flexible, more efficient, safer and more robust integrated urban systems and managing their emergent behaviors. ACCUS is focused on the integration of urban systems such as intelligent transport systems, city light systems and energy management systems. Rather than developing solutions for specific applications and scenarios, ACCUS will develop a theoretical framework (e.g. semantic interoperability concepts) and a practical framework (e.g. methodology, reference architecture) to design new applications within converged scenarios. The challenge of ACCUS is to provide short-term R&D results with commercial impact within a 3 to 5 years’ range by pushing innovative solutions into the market based on new ICT and new ideas and supporting the development of new applications, by proposing open-platform and increased interoperability to the research and industrial community, in order to overcome the present technical barriers hindering these goals. ACCUS is actively aiming at end user and stakeholder’s involvement. ACCUS will provide, from its Gdansk Use Case a strong impact in line with the new Smart Cities concepts under evolution, thus reinforcing the EU industrial competitiveness in this area.

    This project is co-funded by the ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking

    DEWI Dependable Embedded Wireless Infrastructure


    The overall objective of DEWI is to provide key technologies and reference architectures with a focus on the sensor & communication bubble: the internals of the bubble and its interfaces to the environment, but not beyond.

    This means:

    • 1) dependable, auto-configurable, optionally secure, short-range communication
    • 2) local energy-management: efficiency, harvesting, storage
    • 3) localization of sensors and mobile devices
    • 4) smart composability and integration of wireless sensor networksThis project is co-funded by the ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking



    The main goal of the project is to develop the Pomeranian ICT Cluster. The goal of the project will be achieved by:

    • • developing methodologies and creating mechanisms in the cluster's areas of activity,
    • • animation of cluster entities,
    • • providing knowledge about global trends in ICT,
    • • promotion of cluster activities,
    • • establishing cooperation,
    • • strengthening cooperatio with science, industry and administration

    Funding: Regional Operational Program for the Pomorskie Voivodeship for the years 2007 - 2013