The cluster's organization and structure

The ICT Pomeranian Cluster functions as a partnership - mutual laws and responsibilities are regu-lated by the "Partnership agreement in terms of the ICT Pomeranian Cluster" signed in Gdańsk on October 29th 2009. The assumed solution allowed to maintain a high level of flexibility while the open and transparent organizational form of the ICT cluster works in favor of integration and under-taking additional actions in terms of specific fields interesting for the cluster's participants. The clus-ter has an open character - new entities sign the so called affiliation act basing on which they be-come a Cluster's Participant after a prior acceptance by the Cluster's Council.

Interizon Cluster Administrator

Due to the high level of complexity in terms of the estimated development, the cluster's participants have decided to appoint the cluster's Administrator, possessing not only competences but also a strong position and neutrality necessary to efficiently organize the initiative's actions. During the initial phases of the initiative's functioning the role of the Administrator has been assumed by the Gdańsk University of Technology/Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications, and Informatics/. The role of the cluster's administrator constitutes a continuation of the actions currently undertaken by the University, aiming at creating and developing the cluster's initiative, a platform for a favora-ble cooperation of the ICT industry. Projects executed so far have included for example the devel-opment of a cooperation network between the research&development sector, enterprises, and oth-er entities on the regional and local level. For example, meetings (often in the form of workshops) are organized, which allows the participants to meet the trade partners, gain information concerning the possibilities of cooperation, as well as discover the available tools and sources for increasing innovation. The actions undertaken by the Administrator have allowed to achieve initial advantages which constitute an incentive for following companies and institutions to participate in the cluster's undertakings. A confirmation of the Administrator's efficiency and effectiveness consists in a num-ber (5) of successfully executed projects concerning the Integrated Operational Programme for Regional Development, Human Capital Operational Programme, and Regional Operational Pro-gramme actions with the total budget of more than PLN 4 million, as well as an efficiently function-ing Cluster Office. Currently the function of the Cluster's Administrator is handled by the Interizon Foundation.

Cluster's Council

The works of the Cluster are managed by the Cluster's Council which consists of people selected by an Assembly of Participants. The Cluster's Council constitutes a decision-making and controlling body in a strategic dimension, concerning projects related to the functioning of the cluster as a whole. The Council's responsibilities include for example determining the Cluster's functioning in-cluded in its strategic direction, supervision over the execution of tasks included in the strategy, providing opinions concerning projects in terms of their conformity with the cluster's strategy, ac-cepting new members, and also appointing work groups for executing actions in the fields especial-ly interesting for the cluster's participants. Selecting members of the Cluster's Council takes place every two years.

Structure and tasks

A new organization of works for the Cluster's Council has been accepted on February 9th 2012 by an Act of the Cluster's Council. The tasks will be executed in terms of 4 new sessions: Human Cap-ital, Researches, Development and Innovation, Cooperation, as well as Strategy and Image. The sections and their objectives, as well as people coordinating the actions, are presented in the table below.

Kapitał ludzki

  1. Rozwój kompetencji pracowników branży
  2. Dopasowanie programów nauczania do potrzeb firm
  3. Wspólne projekty szkoleniowe
  4. Zdobywanie nowych kwalifikacji przez uczestników rynku pracy (przebranżawianie)
  5. Programy zdobywania przez studentów doświadczenia zawodowego
  6. Integracja HR branży ICT
  7. Promocja branży ICT wśród uczniów
  8. Promocja branży ICT jako dobrego pracodawcy
  9. Grupy zadaniowe:
    (GZ) Edukacyjne Centrum Doskonalenia
    (GZ) Studia Podyplomowe – Inżynier Procesu PCBA

Sekcja badania,
rozwój i innowacje

  1. Promocja osiągnięć Nauki w Biznesie dla ich komercjalizacji
  2. Poszukiwanie placówek Nauki dla rozwiązywania problemów Biznesu Projekty B+R – partnerstwa
  3. Zasady transferu technologii i komercjalizacji innowacji
  4. Wzajemna promocja kultur Nauki i Biznesu
  5. Rozwój zaplecza badawczo – wdrożeniowego
  6. Międzynarodowa współpraca B+R
  7. Projekty ponadregionalne i międzynarodowe
  8. Modelowe projekty ICT dla Administracji i Instytucji
  9. Grupy zadaniowe:
    (GZ) Przemysłowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju
    (GZ) Oprogramowanie Open Source na rzecz organizacji publicznych


  1. Wspólne projekty Uczestników
  2. Wspólna infrastruktura Uczestników
  3. Usługi dla Uczestników (doradztwo - proj. UE, prawo, marketing, export itp.)
  4. Integracja środowiska Uczestników Klastra
  5. Poszukiwanie platform produktowych
  6. Komunikacja wewnętrzna Klastra
  7. Baza firm, produktów i usług firm Klastra - mapowanie firm Klastra
  8. Wdrażanie ICT w innych branżach
  9. Spotkania kooperacyjne i misje gospodarcze (wyj. i przyjazd.)
  10. Współpraca z instytucjami pokrewnymi (podział/outsourcing zadań)
  11. Grupy zadaniowe:
    (GZ) Współdzielenie zasobów sprzętowych
    (GZ) Współpraca technologiczna z operatorami telefonii mobilnej
    (GZ) Wsp6lna infrastruktura - aparatura pomiarowa

Sekcja strategia
i wizerunek

  1. Uzgadnianie i koordynowanie realizacji strategii Klastra
  2. Reprezentowanie Klastra wobec władz i instytucji
  3. Opracowywanie planów promocji Klastra (analizy rynkowe, prognozy)
  4. Nadzór nad współpracą między Radą Klastra a Administratorem (Manager, Biuro)
  5. Lobbing branży ICT
  6. Pozycjonowanie Klastra jako ośrodka opinio- twórczego i konsultacyjnego
  7. Współpraca z innymi klastrami (kraj i zagranica)
  8. Inicjowanie współpracy z instytucjami pokrewnymi (podział /outsourcing zadań)

Assembly of Members

The Cluster, as a common undertaking, possesses an authority in the form of an Assembly of Members which includes representatives of the cluster's participants. The Assembly accepts the conditions of development, programs, and strategy of the cluster's functioning, but also makes the decisions concerning the cluster's most important issues. The Assembly makes decisions in the course of enactment at the presence of at least half of the Cluster Management Board's members. In the process, each of the Cluster's participants possesses one vote (as a principle), with specific groups of enterprises (micro-enterprises, small, medium-size, and large enterprises, as well as oth-er) possessing 20% of votes in total. Introducing a division into groups aims at maintaining balance when voting and protects the cluster against any of the mentioned groups having an advantage.

Task groups

Task groups are teams acting in terms of the Cluster, appointed for executing specific tasks. Task Groups of the Interizon Cluster are appointed and recalled by a decision of the Cluster's Council which determines the personnel, tasks for which the group is appointed, and the date of executing the objective. Task Groups are subject to specific Sections of the Cluster's Council.

Members of the Task Group are selected from the representatives of the Cluster's Participants. In special cases they may also be the representatives of other entities. Every Cluster's Participant may take part in the works of the Task Groups, including for example the Group's meetings orga-nized in a cyclical manner.


The ECD foundation

The Educational Teaching Center (Polish: Edukacyjne Centrum Doskonalenia - ECD) foundation has been appointed in March 2011 by Interizon - Pomeranian ICT Cluster, in order to execute its fourth strategic objective: "The availability of qualified human resources". The foundation directs its actions at four strategic groups, meaning: school students, university students, potential employees of the ICT industry, and employees of ICT companies.

Foundations' website:

The Interizon foundation

Under the tripartite agreement from July 1st 2013, the function of the Interizon Cluster's Coordina-tor is held by the INTERIZON Foundation which, together with the Gdańsk University of Technolo-gy, as the Administrator, executes the tasks concerning the current administration of the Interizon Cluster.

The INTERIZON Foundation has been appointed on January 25th 2015 for the purposes of initiat-ing and coordinating actions in favor of developing cooperation within the Cluster.